The best tattoo tip calculator

A guide to tipping your tattoo artist

A Handy Tool
A Handy Tool

Save time and avoid errors with our tip calculator designed specifically for tattoo services. There is no need to confuse with complicated percentage formulas. Simply input your bill amount along with the desired tip percentage and choose the currency to discover the precise tip amount for your tattoo artist.

Shared Bill Tip
Shared Bill Tip

To calculate the tip per person, the ultimate tip generator for your tattoo artist takes into account the cost of the service, the number of people sharing, and the tip percentage selected. The tip generator tool is a simple way to calculate how much each person is eligible to share the tip along with the amount.

Expressing Appreciation
Expressing Appreciation

Tipping is a way of expressing appreciation for excellent service. Many individuals follow a customary tipping range of 10% to 20%, based on the quality of service. Some may choose to go beyond this range. Tipping in cash is often preferred over card payments. Adding a warm gesture with a "thank you" alongside the tip not only expresses appreciation but also boosts motivation for the service provider.


In different parts of the world, both the amounts and acceptance of tips vary. In certain East Asian countries, like Japan, tipping is considered disrespectful and might be misinterpreted as a bribe. Alternatively, tipping is commonly expected in countries such as the United States and is factored into a service worker's compensation to meet minimum wage requirements. A tip generator is the ideal tool for quickly calculating tips.

Responsive Design
Responsive Design

Our tip calculator for tattoos is a versatile tool accessible on various devices such as smartphones, Android, tablets, laptops, and Macs. Our tool is designed to be adapted to various screen sizes to ensure smooth compatibility for users.

No Downloads or Registrations
No Downloads or Registrations

Do not worry about the process of downloading or account registering for the tool to use. This is a safe and secure website that is accessible through your preferred device’s browser. Simply input the bill amount and desired tip percentage, and our tool will instantly calculate the right tip amount for a tattoo artist.

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Steps to calculate tips for tattoo artists

1 . Enter the bill amount
2 . Choose the tip percentage.
3 . Specify the number of people sharing.
4 . Select the currency.
5 . Click on the 'Submit' button.

Other useful information

Frequently Asked Questions

When is it appropriate to tip a tattoo artist?

After the tattoo is finished, tipping the tattoo artist is advised. This can happen either right after your tattoo is finished and before you make a payment at the counter or right after. For suggestions on tattoos, the majority of tattoo parlors do not accept credit cards, so be ready for your appointment and bring cash.

Do different tattoo artists need to be tipped differently?

Yes, it absolutely depends on the experience of the tattoo artist. Calculate how much to tip if you decide to, then add that amount to the total cost of the tattoo. Like in a restaurant or a hair salon, the widespread consensus in the tattoo world is that 20 percent is the customary amount to tip. However, think of this figure as a starting point because different tattoos demand different amounts of labor. There is no one-size-fits-all method of tipping, just as there is no standard tattoo experience or cost.

Is it compulsory to give tip?

Many tattoo studios levy a service charge on the bill, If a service charge is included on the bill then it's better not to give tip, otherwise tipping off more than 10 percent is recommended according to international standards

How to give the right amount of tip?

When deciding a tip a tattoo artist, tipping of more than 10 percent is usually fine. We make it simple for you to calculate tips, simply put your Bill amount and we calculate the right amount of tip. Our tool is completely free, safe, and secure.

What is the use of a tip generator?

The tip generator is a helpful tool for anyone going out to a restaurant, bar, or anywhere else where tipping is anticipated. It's easy to make mistakes when we calculate things in our minds. Calculate your tip with our tip generator to save time and ensure accuracy. It's the ultimate tool that allows you to count a certain percentage of your bill. This tool is a simple way to calculate the total sum which includes dinner plus tip. No more time wasted, no more bad calculation. The tip generator is the only solution!

How to choose a tip percentage?

If you want to know how to calculate a tip, you must first determine how much you rate the service. A tip should be between 10% and 20% of the overall bill. While it will seem difficult to imagine someone sitting at a restaurant table estimating the percentage of the bill, but with our ultimate tip generator its very easy and fast. Here is some services and expected tip% for restaurants, 15%-20% tips are expected. Food delivery 15%-20% tips depending on the distance, total price, etc. For hotel room service normally the charge is included in the price already. If not, 15-20% tips are expected. Tipping is entirely based on how you rate the service; if you didn't like it, you can leave a lower tip percentage.

How to calculate tip on tip generator tool?

Save time and ensure accuracy by calculating your tip with our tip generator. It's a simple tool that allows you to count a certain percentage of your bill. Everything you have to do is follow the steps below. 1. Type the value of your bill in the "enter the amount" field of our calculator. 2. Type the percentage of the tip you are going to leave in the "Tip%" field. If the service has been very good, you may want to raise your tip percentage. However, if the service or if the employee was rude, a lower tip percentage is understandable. 3. Fill the "number of people sharing" field. 4. Select the currency finally click on submit button and you will get the amount with tip.

How much to pay?

It's easy to make mistakes when we calculate things in our mind, It's easy to use the tip generator for fast and accurate result. To begin, chose a currency from the drop-down menu. After that, enter the total bill number. Next, fill in the tip percentage. Finally, choose how many people you want to share the bill with and press the "Calculate" button.

Why should we tip?

It appears strange that we give tip for services that we have paid for. The explanation for this is because service sector employees are often underpaid. Their bosses assume that they will be paid for their salaries by tips. It's also a widely accepted way to show your appreciation for the service you received. Tipping is also a symbol of decency and etiquette. It could be considered impolite to leave a location without tipping. Tipping is applicable to all branches of the service sector, including restaurants, bars, hotels, transportation, and delivery. That's why it's misleading to associate tips only with waiters and waitresses. It's important to note that maids, taxi drivers, and delivery people are all part of the service industry. The tip generator is a helpful tool for anyone going out to a restaurant, bar, or anywhere else where tipping is anticipated.

I refreshed the browser by mistake. What do I do?

Since our website does not use any servers and does not store your data, the color code entered by you will not be saved. you will have to reenter the data to calculate the tip

Can I calculate multiple tips?

Yes, to calculate multiple tips you need to refresh the browder or just enter the new value in the bill amount, and change the percentage as required.

Is it safe to use?

Tattoo Tip Calculator is 100% safe to use. You can simply copy the color codes suggested by the Tattoo Tip Calculator and paste them where you need them.

Will I be charged to use the website?

Our website is free and you can use it as many times as you want. There are no free trial uses, after which you will have to pay for using our services. We won't charge you anything.

Which Windows versions does the Tattoo Tip Calculator support?

Our website is completely web-based and therefore provides cross-platform support. This means that our tool supports all versions of Windows. It not only works on the Windows operating system but can work on any other operating system, that supports a browser.

Will I have to create an account to use Tattoo Tip Calculator?

Our website does not require you to sign up or create an account. The platform is absolutely free and you can check as many colors as you want.

Does it support both Android and iOS platforms?

Yes, our website works on browsers and therefore supports both iOS and Android platforms.

How can I show appreciation to my tattoo artist beyond tipping?

Though tipping is one of the aspects of expressing your appreciation for their creativity, maintaining a good rapport, a warm gesture, and sharing a positive review on social media platforms will enhance your way of appreciation.

How does tipping impact tattoo artists?

Tipping will increase the tattoo artist’s income and motivates them to enhance their work even further.

Is it necessary to tip for various tattoo services, such as touch-up sessions, differently?

Based on the time invested and the perfection of their creative art, you can tip accordingly whether it is a small or big task. Expressing appreciation is a must even with a small percentage of the tip along with a verbal thank you.

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About The Author

Taufik Ali

Taufik has an analytical mindset and great attention to detail. He excels in analyzing website performance, conducting keyword research, optimizing on-page content, and developing effective link-building strategies.
